The Mexican version of the Paestum Temple!
In the meantime, we know Massimo and Julia, the owners of Pizzeria Dal Moro, very well. We are almost part of the family – something like that goes faster with Italians and Mexicans than with us Swiss! And as is customary with the Italians in the Diaspora, they form a large family. One knows the other …
Massimo and Julia also know Antonino di Maria Giammanco, better known under the name Toni. He is the owner of the Mare Nostrum Hotel-Resort, which is forty kilometers outside of Veracruz. A little more than ten years ago, Toni had a hotel complex built here with a temple in the center that resembles the one of Paestum. A huge facility with 100 rooms and a large swimming pool modeled on a well-known Italian fountain. All around archways, busts and horses in Lipizzaner pose. And all of this is placed in a large garden with flowers and coconut palms.
Massimo and Julia said that we absolutely have to see it. And so, we made our way there on last Saturday. Toni received us with wide arms and a big smile. We took a seat at a table in a room equipped with fans, which is a must in this climate! First, we had a fruit salad served. Then Toni offered us Italian cheese, which he makes himself, plus homemade bread, olive oil and tomatoes. The whole thing accompanied by a bottle of Nero d’Avola that I donated. It was an unforgettable morning. Viva Sicilia!
PS. Toni has remained a farmer in his heart. He has several dozen Holstein breed cows that provide him with the milk for the cheese. They all have names and one, with a particularly teasing forelock, he christened Celentano!