1. October 2020


A Swiss Specialty: «Mohrenköpfe»

«Dubler Mohrenkopf is a confectionery product from the Swiss confectioner company Dubler AG  in Waltenschwil, in the canton of Aargau. Mohrenkopf is an egg-foam pastry. The company also gained national recognition in the discussion about the expression Mohrenkopf». (Source: Wikipedia)

We had heard the discussion about this topic and shook our heads once more! (There really doesn’t seem to be any major problems in Switzerland when you can agonize over such things, we thought!) And even then, still in Atotonilco, in Mexico, we resolved to stop by Dubler’s to buy a box full of «Mohrenköpfe».

We did that yesterday. We were glad we found a parking space. It seems that the discussion about the naming of this delicacy is attracting more customers than before!

PS. In a debate in 2009, Robert Dubler vouched for himself to keep the controversial name «Dubler Mohrenkopf» as a brand forever. Well done!

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