Just awesome!
Coming from the north to Meziadin Junction, the Stewart Cassiar Highway makes a turn to the south. If you drive east, then you are in Alaska less than an hour later! Alaska? Yes, because the small Enclave Hyder, which is located next to Stewart, belongs not to Canada but to Alaska!
There were good reasons to make this trip to the Pacific. The Highway 37 A, the Glacier Highway, leads to Hayder, Alaska, and the Salmon River. Here, the grizzly and black feast at the salmons before hibernation. We didn’t want to miss this spectacle. But that’s not all!
Just behind Hayder a dirt road climbs up and into the mountains. We had already covered more than 500 kilometers that day. But on this last twenty kilometers something special awaited us. The track first follows the Salmon River and then winds its way along the glacier tongue to 1,200 meters. From up here you can see the huge Salmon Glacier. A view that even surpasses that on the Aletsch Glacier in Switzerland. And that means something!
PS: It’s no surprise that we met a black bear here, who feasted on a steep slope of roots!
(Written on 9/10/2019, at the Salmon River, Hayder, Alaska)