3. December 2023


Peaceful sleep!

I can still hear my mother telling us this with a big smile when my three siblings and I were getting too crazy. How did my mother manage to raise four children; and that in a three-room apartment in Basel?

Now that we have two cats in the house, I think about them even more than usual. The two cats are in the «getting to know each other phase». Glöggli, is one of them. She was the princess of the house until now. However, since Orapa, who we brought home from Botswana and saved from starvation, has been in the house, everything has changed. Not just for us but also for Glöggli! She is just over three years old. Orapa, however, is barely two months old, still a baby, and wants to play with his roommate. But she doesn’t want to know anything about it (yet).

The two of them keep us on our toes – day and night. If one sleeps, the other wants to play with us. If the other one is sleeping, then it’s the other way around. During the day the two lie lazily on pillows or on our beds. But woe betide you when night falls! Then, when we are tired, they come to life! And how!

We run up and down the stairs and try to keep both of them under control as best we can. But the longer I get the impression that it’s the other way around…

«God created the cat so that man would have a tiger to pet.»
Victor Hugo (1802 – 1885), French poet and writer

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