«Trump-Wall» is taking shape!
After visiting the Chiricahua Desert Museum in Rodeo, New Mexico on 11/14/2019, we drove south through a dry landscape. Soon we were back in Arizona and reached a good hour later Douglas. This small town with 16’000 inhabitants borders Mexico and is strongly connected to this neighboring country. Outside the city you can see the Ruta 2, which runs along the border on the Mexican side.
We were looking outside of Douglas for a quiet place to spend the night. So close to the border we had to be careful. The Border Control patrols the area along the border day and night to catch unwanted immigrants from the south. The Trump Wall, which is currently being built along the Mexican border, is to ensure that they do not even get into the country. On our drive we saw a lot of Caterpillar construction machinery. Huge cranes were erecting meter-high wall elements. It was very strange to see a nine meter high wall in this deserted area.
PS. The opinions about the wall are as divided as those about Donald Trump! Here, many complain about the high water consumption for the construction of the wall. Water is scarce in the south of Arizona!