Who hasn’t seen them yet: the Torres del Paine. There are three granite peaks, more than 2,000 meters high, which stretch into the blue sky in the national park of the same name in southern Chile. They are also a magnet for climbers from all over the world. And not a few of them have paid for the rise with their lives. We didn’t, because we looked at them from a reasonable distance.
We reached the park on 5.2.2018, on a sunny day after we crossed the border and said again goodbye to Argentina. Next time, we enter the country, will be when we drive to Ushuaia. We had chosen a good day, because if it is not a sunny day and only the wind blows – which it usually does in Patagonia – then it is only half as nice. So, we could fully enjoy the ride through the park, along the Lago Sarmiento and Amarga. What it looks like if you drive around in the evening light shows the picture that Brigitta made on the way back. Driving is still fun here – with a good car like ours anyway!