1. December 2023


A nest at every branch

After the weaver bird in our garden tried in vain to attract a female for the last two years, this year it has come up with something special. One of our two fever trees has lost a good portion of its leaves. With the material the weaver bird collected under the motto: «More is more than less», he built eight (!) nests. One more beautiful than the other; one even has two floors.

No wonder the female weaver birds couldn’t resist. This year, for the first time, he managed to attract one to take over the breeding business. (I’m still watching to see if two females have taken up residence.)

Whatever the case: We are happy about the addition to the family and hope that the young birds do not become prey to Glöggli. Just like last year, Matz, our young sparrow, who fell out of the nest and was nurtured by us. He received a nice grave in our garden; and we still think of the two funny sparrows that I named Piep and Matz. May they rest in peace!

Speaking of which: As I write this post, Orapa, the heartbreaker, is lying on a lawn chair next to me. He looks as if no water could cloud him. But wait and drink Rooibos tea…

PS: If you want to know more about the fever tree, read here.

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