A joyride («Spritztour» in German) is an excursion. By bike, by motorbike; or by car. On December 27th, 2024, however, I experienced a different joyride in our garden seating area…
I don’t know how it came about. Suddenly Brigitta had the urge to destroy the annoying aphids that are damaging our trees and bushes. I watched in fascination as she put together the spray tank that had been delivered in individual parts, filled it up and strapped it to her back. (Everything went in a flash; I would still be busy studying the assembly instructions!)
But I wondered how she was going to spray the trees and especially the large aloe? We don’t have a ladder that high. But it wouldn’t be Brigitta if she hadn’t thought of something. She climbed through the skylight onto Mahlangu’s roof, which was in front of the house because we were packing it for the upcoming trip to the Khan Rivier. From up there, she sprayed the poison mixture, equipped with a mask and old clothes. In the meantime, I retreated into the house with our cat, as my offer to help was not accepted. (Brigitta somehow has the impression that I am not skilled enough for this kind of work! I wonder how she came up with this idea…)